I like to browse the desperate record bin – that box by the side, where second hand record store owners put leftover LPs with desperate discounts. Call me cheapskate, but the best and most bizzare (most telling, too!) LP covers are there. Sometimes they are so good I even listen to the gramophone record.

Part 1: The Jon & Robin – Elastic Event
Why I bought it: I’ve never seen more sombre looking hippies.
What happened afterwards: “Jon Abnor was the son of the owner of Abnak Records. Robin was not related to him. Jon had mental difficulties and in the 70s, he was treated at Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, where he had an affair with a psychiatric nurse. After he was released, they lived together and he ended up murdering her. I think he committed suicide, but I’m not sure.” (from the Usenet)
Date checked: Nov/2002

Part 2: Bernadette DiFrancesco – Christian Aerobic with Christian Music
Why I bought it: How do you dare to ask?
What happened afterwards: TV producer? (source)
Date checked: Nov/2002

Part 3: Arthur Fiedler – Picnic
Why I bought it: Questions, questions – what is she looking at? Is the man in the shorts Arthur himself? What will pop out of Boston Pops Picnic? Etc …
What happened afterwards: “A life-long dream of legendary Boston Pops Conductor Arthur Fiedler, the open-air Boston Pops concerts are now a beloved summer Boston tradition.” (source)
Date checked: Nov/2002

Part 4: Ike Turner – Bad Dreams
Why I bought it: Ike Turner’s BAD DREAMS? Because I’ve never dreamed that he would come up with a cover like this!
What happened afterwards: “AT the kitchen table in his little house near San Diego, rock legend and wife-beater Ike Turner pauses between mouthfuls of lima beans and fried cornbread and points a fork at me. “You know, I ain’t going to give you excuses about the way I treated Tina. But she gives people the wrong impression of me.
I have my good points. Like, the last time I was in the county jail, I got along with everybody real well. The black gangs liked me, the Mexicans liked me. Hey, even the police liked me. When they get to know me, everybody likes Ike.” (source)
Date checked: Nov/2002

Part 5: Mom’s Apple Pie – Mom’s Apple Pie
Why I bought it: The most well known record cover ever. It’s in every book about the subject. See the picture below.
What happened afterwards: “The only thing this band is remembered for is the cover of their debut album. At first glance, the cover looks innocent enough. It shows a kindly looking farmer’s wife holding forth a freshly baked pie with one slice removed. Upon closer examination, however, you can see that the pie is very special! Right at the tip of the missing slice in the filling of the pie can be seen a very nice rendering of female genitalia. After word got out, retailers demanded that Capitol Records do something about it. They did. They filled the slice up with bricks, surrounded it with barbed wire, and raised the American Flag.” (source)
Date checked: Nov/2002

Part 6: Bonnie Baker – Oh Johnny!
Why I bought it: The year is 1956 and they’re already have orgasms on the cover?!?
What happened afterwards: “Diminutive big band singer best remembered as vocalist on the 1939 Orrin Tucker hit ”Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny, Oh!” Born Evelyn Nelson, she was known as ”Wee” Bonnie Baker due to her short stature.” (source)
Date checked: Nov/2002

Part 7: Mary Jayne and Polly – Singing Together … like we did back home
Why I bought it: The linear notes did it: sacred music sung by girls with deep religious experience … Mary Jane is married and she and her husband are the proud parents of five lovely children. Polly is unmarried and makes her home with Mary Jane and her family …
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: Nov/2002

Part 8: Rusty Warren – Bottoms Up (For Adults Only)
Why I bought it: I’m an adult and obviously no saint.
What happened afterwards: “Known as the “knockers up gal,” Rusty Warren has been called the mother of the sexual revolution.” (source)
Date checked: Nov/2002

Part 9: Liz Anderson – Husband Hunting
Why I bought it: I’m single.
What happened afterwards: “And now, The Fairy Grandmother sings her favorite Christmas songs, featuring Liz Anderson. The Fairy Grandmother will take all your children to Golden Rainbow Land where we will spend Christmas together. ” (source)
Date checked: Dec/2003

Part 10: Jo Ann Campbell – I’m nobody’s baby… ..
Why I bought it: It must be a nostalgia for pre-mobile phone times.
What happened afterwards: “A surprising number of her recordings were rough and tough, their obvious “cute” quotient balanced by Campbell’s occasional raspy-throated delivery, which betrayed lust, or at least a healthy female libido in need of stroking.” (source)
Date checked: Feb/2004

Part 11: The Four Preps – Golden Hits of
Why I bought it: Sun? Sea? Sand? And best of all, pre-computer cut & paste that has put our heroes on the beach.
What happened afterwards: “He is now a senior network TV programming executive and has provided countless voices for animated features, including the Disney classic Jungle Book, and he was awarded the Presidential Medal of the Arts and was cited in the Congressional Record for his co-authoring of the Official Anthem of the Bi-Centennial of the U.S. Constitution. ” (source)
Date checked: Feb/2004

Part 12: Duet Marković – Lazarević – Vrati se ljubav da ti dam
Why I bought it: What a story! He invited her on a date and we can see that his intentions were serious – he didn’t take her to some beer joint but to a very fancy restaurant (in 1970’s). He drank two large bottles of brandy while she just had one beer (but out of a very nice German Oktoberfest souvenir cup). Then … something happened. She is contemplating leaving while he stares into void preparing to sing a song called “Come back so I can give you my love”.
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: Mar/2004

Part 13: Lena Zavaroni – Ma! He’s making eyes at me
Why I bought it: I just couldn’t believe my eyes. Somebody (creative direction by the Stax organization?) thought that songs like Ma! He’s making eyes at me and Help me make it through the night would perfectly suit 10 year old girl?
What happened afterwards: “Instant celebrity came the way of Lena Zavaroni in 1974 when, aged nine, she sang Ma, He’s Making Eyes at Me on the British TV talent shown Opportunity Knocks. It proved a very mixed blessing for Zavaroni who has died, aged 35, from the effects of anorexia.” (source)
Date checked: Mar/2004

Part 14: Vehbija Čoralić – U mladost se vračam
Why I bought it: “I’m returning back to the youth” with the help of “Original water for men” or “Casanova Water” as was the export title of the product? Natural mineral water better than Viagra? How could I resist?
What happened afterwards: Completely forgotten. The well is patrolled by SFOR forces in Bosnia, so, there might be still hope when the soldiers return home and start spreading the news …
Date checked: Apr/2004

Part 15: Alfi Nipič – V pajzlju vizavi
Why I bought it: Imagine this dialogue:
“Stop gambling! Come home! You’ll loose all our money!”
“Woman, are you nuts?!? Don’t you see I’m alone? How can I loose money gambling with myself?”
“That’s stupid! You better come home!”
“I can’t!”
“I’m winning!”
What happened afterwards: Maybe coming home wasn’t such a good idea after all as you can see from the other picture on this double A-sided single.
Date checked: Apr/2004

Part 16: The Del Rubio Triplets – Three Gals, Three Guitars
Why I bought it: I have never heard anything like this.
And oh, how the music travels! Look at the sticker at the right top corner of the cover. Somebody brought this record to an English second hand store and it was priced at 8 £. They discounted it afterwards to 7 £, then 6 £, 5 £, 4 £, 3 £, 2 £, 1 £ and when it was 50 pence, somebody bought it and brought it to Germany. He (she?) didn’t like it though – it started the new life in the year 2002 in second hand shop in Frankfurt, where I bought it.
What happened afterwards: “The DelRubio Triplets, (whose real name is Boyd), who were billed as “3 Gals, 3 Guitars, 1 Birthday” entertained many for 60 years. They disbanded when the first sister, Eadie, died in 1996. Well on March 19th, a second triplet, Elena died at her home in the San Pedro district after a short battle with cancer.” (source)
Date checked: May/2004

Part 17: The Spotnicks – The Spotnicks
Why I bought it: I saw the drummer’s helmet and I thought it was a soundtrack for the film The Right Stuff.
What happened afterwards: “The Spotnicks have sold over 20 million albums, making them among the most successful Swedish groups ever, surpassed perhaps only by ABBA and Roxette.” (source)
Date checked: May/2004

Part 18: Charlie Pride – There’s a Little Bit Of Hank In Me
Why I bought it: Eeeeeee … Surprise, I suppose.
What happened afterwards: “His recent efforts … sleepily drift off into the easy listening zone.” (Rolling Stone album guide)
Date checked: June/2004

Part 19: Vladimir Hudolin & Ruža Vešligaj – Alkoholizam u riječi i pjesmi
Why I bought it: Alcoholism in words and songs? Actually, the record delivers: eight AA members are singing songs written by their colleague while their therapist speaks.
What happened afterwards: It looks like the authors are already dead.
Date checked: July/2004

Part 20: Mišo Kovać – Za tvoju ljubav sve bih dao
Why I bought it: The world’s first CD appeared in Yugoslavia in the 1970?
Mišo Kovać was very popular singer in the 60’s and 70’s. His last name means blacksmith so somebody got a bright idea to picture him in blue overalls and in very socialist working environment as “the blacksmith of golden records” as the capture says. If you look closely at the product he’s holding you’ll see it’s not golden. It looks a lot like a first CD ever invented! Take a look at Kovać’s face: the leisure of the smug satisfaction knowing that Sony and Phillips will take another 10 years to make something he has already done.
What happened afterwards: Mišo Kovać is still singing and touring. He lost his son in the Yugoslav war in the 90’s. He has shot himself but survived.
Date checked: August/2004

Part 21: John Buck Wilkin – In Search Of Food, Clothing, Shelter and Sex
Why I bought it: Some men really know how to attract women. But then … is he looking for a woman or a surogate mother?
What happened afterwards: “John Buck Wilkin, the son of Marjorie Wilkin (author of the country classic “Long Black Veil”), is most noted as a session guitarist on numerous country and rock records of the 1970s … He was also a songwriter and put out a little-known solo LP …” (source)
Date checked: August/2004

Part 22: Arturo Ramirez – Diner A Mexico
Why I bought it: Dinner in Mexico? The man is smoking a cigar so he has already finished his dinner. The woman’s plate is empty, her knife and fork clean and her eyes … Is she hungry? Is she asking for help while the members of the Arturo Ramirez’s orchestra notice nothing?
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: September/2004

Part 23: Gvozden Radičević – Komšinice, skuhaj kafu
Why I bought it: Neighbour, make me a coffee? And what a neighbour! Young, sexy, in a mini skirt – our hero is not looking at her legs but into her eyes! What a character! Dressed up in his best suit, he’s flashing his wedding ring to her in self defense while grabbing his thigh with the other hand. He’s struggling, will he resist? Will he be true to his name – “Gvozden” means man of steel.
What happened afterwards: The titles of all 4 songs are revealing: 1. Neighbour, make me a coffee 2. I can’t live without her 3. I want to get drunk 4. Farewell letter
Date checked: October/2004

Part 24: Ismet Krcić – Sutjeska
Why I bought it: This is not just a record; it’s a study in yang-ying of male character. On side A, he’s tender, loving, dreaming of her in a love song, while on side B, he sings about the war and he has dressed appropriately – what kind of uniform is this? Tarzan meets hippies meet hillbillies?
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: October/2004

Part 25: Hugo & Luigi – When Good Fellows Get Together
Why I bought it: When Good Fellows Get Together … you should probably run!
What happened afterwards: “The songwriting and production duo of Hugo and Luigi had an amazing three-decade career that spanned the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s. …” (source)
Date checked: November/2004

Part 26: Jonah Jones – I Dig Chicks
Why I bought it: If we take the title literary, where are the chickens?
The crane looks brand new. Imagine poor workers coming to work every day and seeing those girls up on the crane! Yet another workday lost!
What happened afterwards: “A talented and flashy trumpeter, Jonah Jones hit upon a formula in 1955 that made him a major attraction for a decade.” (source)
Date checked: November/2004

Part 27: Luke Baldwin – The Tattoo on My Chest
Why I bought it: If you think western culture is getting more and more feminine, it’s time for macho men with a tattoo on their chest.
What happened afterwards: “Luke Baldwin, called a hard drinking wild man by some of his Compadres in the early day’s. Bodie Wagner told me that luke was a guy with a heart of gold, and a songwriters, songwriter.” (source)
Date checked: November/2004

Part 28: Roy Clark – I Never Picked Cotton
Why I bought it: It’s nice to see a man who ain’t got a blues.
He must have sold a truckloads of this record to a workers in the Soviet Union.
What happened afterwards: “Between guest-hosting for Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show and performing to packed houses in the Soviet Union on a tour that sold out all 18 concerts, he used his musical talent and his entertaining personality to bring country music into homes across the world. […] the cover […] portrays Clark as an affluent sophisticate.” (source)
Date checked: November/2004

Part 29: Matt Monro – This Is The Life
Why I bought it: Don’t ask.
What happened afterwards: “Though Matt Monro is known best to worldwide audiences as the voice of one of the best James Bond themes, “From Russia with Love,” the British vocalist produced a lifetime of great work.” (source)
Date checked: November/2004

Part 30: Joann Bon and the Coquettes – I’ll Release You
Why I bought it: One of the best girl (women?) groups I’ve heard, great record, nice outfits (female version of the Spotnicks?). The title song is Joann’s answer to Elvis’ song Release me and she’s singing it while committing suicide (so how he’ll be released)! And they even cover Ode To Billie Joe: “It was the third of June another sleepy dusty Delta day/I was out choppin’ cotton and my brother was a bailin’ hay …”
They sure come a long way since then.
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: November/2004

Part 31: The Playmates – At Play With
Why I bought it: So, your husband is outside, playing with the playmates? Eeeee … I don’t think I’ll call again.
What happened afterwards: “The Playmates’ one big hit was the 1958 novelty “Beep Beep,” about the little Nash Rambler that a Cadillac couldn’t outrun. […] the Playmates had their own identity and, at times, a delightfully perverse sense of humour.” (source)
Date checked: December/2004

Part 32: Jože Privšek, Gregor Strniša, Boris Kovačič, Stanka Kovačič – Koloy’s
Why I bought it: Product placement?!?! WHAT product placement?!?!?!
What happened afterwards: The man on the A-side of this single is Jože Privšek, who later became the leader of TV Slovenia Big Band, but is it possible that a young man with glasses on the B side is the Gregor Strniša, who later became one of the most respected Slovenian poets?
Date checked: February/2005

Part 33: Mica Ostojić – E pa dragi prijatelji
Why I bought it: There are a lot of record covers with the musicians proudly standing by their fancy cars and bikes – I don’t know why but I like this one the best.
What happened afterwards: The singer found fame in Serbia under the name of Mica Trofrtaljka.
Date checked: March/2005

Part 34: Aleksandar Danilović – Najbolji sam momak
Why I bought it: The song is called “I’m the best guy around” and I can’t disagree.
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: March/2005

Part 35: Bijele Strijele – Mrzim taj dan
Why I bought it: It was in 1963 and a Yugoslav band wanted some American flavour on the photo, so they went to the film studio. They overlooked that Italians (maybe even Sergio Leone) were shooting their sword and sandals epic on the same set – take a good look at the left bottom corner of the photo.
What happened afterwards: “They were one of the first bands in ex Yugoslavia who had their own songs, and that made them very popular.” (source)
Date checked: March/2005

Part 36: Geraldine and Ricky – Trees Talk Too!
Why I bought it: So, Geraldine and Dave have a little boy Ricky and they teach him how to play golf and they talk with him a lot and when Geraldine looks at him, she’s very pleased with herself – she must be a great mother because her Ricky is smiling all the time! She even asks him: Ricky, how come you’re always smiling? And instead of answering: “Because I’m made of wood and this is the creepiest record you’ll ever hear!”, he says: “Because I have a Jesus in me!” Ahm, and what did the Bible say about the wooden idols?
What happened afterwards: Still going strong after all these years: you can even enjoy a five night Christian cruise to the Bahamas with Geraldine and Ricky. (source)
Date checked: April/2005

Part 37: Windows Four – Identity
Why I bought it: Windows 4 appeared on LP in 1982? Wait a minute – Microsoft hasn’t even launched Windows 4! After version 3 they used a different name. Why? Maybe because they were afraid that this Swiss band will sue them? And look at the musicians! Geek looks, identity tags; it must have sounded like a very funny idea at the time; today it’s reality Bill Gates helped to shape it.
I’m proud to have a record that started it all.
What happened afterwards: Not even a single hit on Google let alone on the charts?!?!
Date checked: May/2005

Part 38: Ansambel Kmetec – Srečno novo leto
Why I bought it: I don’t like Christmas records but this one promises real fun with its classy curtains and luxury decorated tree.
Bandleader (shouting): “Have fun boys!”
Members of the band (whispering): “Yes, sir, we will!”
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: June/2005

Part 39: Je m’appelle Mads – Musculature de pomfrit
Why I bought it: I like when a man dares to show his feminine side (even using copy&paste photography).
What happened afterwards: Sold out. (source)
Date checked: January/2006

Part 40: Omega 8 – Csillagok útján
Why I bought it: It was 1978 and the premier Hungarian rock band has to dress accordingly.
What happened afterwards: “the bandmembers were distinguished with the Hungarian National Award” (source)
Date checked: January/2006

Part 41: Obren Pjevović/Mašinka Lukić – Apolo 9
Why I bought it: While Americans were launching Apollo 9 mission in 1969, this Serbian singer-composer already knew the truth behind it: “the men want to go into space flying/just not to hear at home their hungry children crying”. Right on!
What happened afterwards: “Obren Pjevovic, a composer, songwriter, poet and bohemian of the highest class, created over 170 songs that have become a part of the cultural heritage of Sumadija and the Serbian people.” (source)
Date checked: February/2006

Part 42: Vasile Zidaru – Petreceti cu Vasilică
Why I bought it: I thought it was a missing photo from the film Brokeback Mountain: two cowboys go up on the mountain to shepherd the sheep, one takes a photo of another, and then …
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: March/2006

Part 43: Jackpot – Again
Why I bought it: I do occasionally play a lottery and if I win one day I will need this record to show to the adviser in the fashion store for inspiration.
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: July/2006

Part 44: Gino Cunico – Gino Cunico
Why I bought it: Oh, with the pang in my heart I remembered my high school days when I was staring at my chest in front of the mirror: when will my hair grow?!?
What happened afterwards: “Adult Contemporary Music” (source)
Date checked: July/2006

Part 45: Moe Bandy – It Was Always So Easy (To Find An Unhappy Woman)
Why I bought it: It was so easy to find an unhappy woman? With only her in the whole bar? And now he is hovering above her like a vulture without her noticing? But … is he looking at her or at her beer?
What happened afterwards: “Bandy’s songs never strayed far from the traditional barroom fare” (source)
Date checked: September/2006

Part 46: Jo Jo Gunne – Jumpin’ the Gunne
Why I bought it: I love opening gatefold LP covers – there might be a surprise.
Yes, indeed.
What happened afterwards: “nondescript album rock with an LP cover which is the most politically incorrect sight you can imagine.” (source)
Date checked: December/2006

Part 47: Selimova i Zelčeski – Rođenće
Why I bought it: A song called Newborn?
“Dear wife, thank you for all the pleasure, but that was it, take a last look at the world while I close the shutters so I can drink undisturbed. Call me when the kid grows up.”
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: December/2006

Part 48: Kvaka – Dodji, dodji
Why I bought it: Song called “Come, come”? I just wanted to check if the B side might be Relax, don’t do it … It’s not. He came.
PS. I thought I’ve sorted everything out when I found another record. The same guy, just putting on his jacket this time and saying “I won’t curse you darling!” Why would he? Did he come or not? What happened?
What happened afterwards: “the last romantic of Serbian music” (source)
Date checked: February/2007

Part 49: Adriano Celentano – Sabato triste
Why I bought it: So, this is the Italian cool? Sorry, I got to go practice in front of the mirror …
What happened afterwards: He’s a legend in Italy.
Date checked: March/2007

Part 50: Nataša Vladetić – Sirtaki bez tebe
Why I bought it: This flower power lady will dance “sirtaki without me”? Why, oh why? Maybe because I noticed she’s Croatian pretending to be Greek?
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: March/2007

Part 51: Dale Menten – I Really Wanted to Make a Movie
Why I bought it: Me too.
What happened afterwards: It looks like he started writing film music instead (source)
Date checked: April/2007

Part 52: Charly Garcia – Pic-Nic
Why I bought it: “So, do you still think pretending to be Playboy photo crew is a good idea to get the girls to this exotic party?”
What happened afterwards: “Charly García is one of the most talented and influential figures of Argentine and Latin rock.” (source)
Date checked: May/2007

Part 53: Various – Musica Joven
Why I bought it: I like the social equality of this cover – even if those poor girls don’t have the money to buy the whole kimono, they’re allowed to train without pants! -and the morality of it: – the young man on the right is blindfolded, so he won’t commit a sin of sexual education.
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: March/2007

Part 54: Sharon McNight – Another Side Of
Why I bought it: What kind of love triangle is this? He is sick in the corner, she looks defiantly at the camera and the dogs seem puzzled but content. So, this is another side … of what?
What happened afterwards: “Her Music, Her Style… Her Way” (source)
Date checked: June/2007

Part 55: Millie Jackson – Back to the S**t
Why I bought it: I always wondered why some think that musically ’80s were s**t.
What happened afterwards: “the last really successful Millie Jackson album” (source)
Date checked: June/2007

Part 56: Spomenari – Kafanski svirač
Why I bought it: “Oh, what a coincidence! I’m just carrying with me my bag with money, condoms & other accessories!”
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: August/2007

Part 57: Milica Ostojić Mica – Imam nešto al’ nedam
Why I bought it: “I Have Something I Won’t Give” Oh, my dear, what is it? Did somebody try to get you into some kind of breast implant swapping scheme?!?!
What happened afterwards: The singer later found fame in Serbia under the name of Mica Trofrtaljka.
Date checked: October/2007

Part 58: Mike Johnson and the Sound of Bluegrass – Mike Johnson and the Sound of Bluegrass
Why I bought it: Wikipedia says about Delirium tremens:
“Other common symptoms include intense perceptual disturbance such as visions of insects, snakes, or rats.”
Is this gramophone record cover offering new insight? Is it possible that seasoned country singers can see small bluegrass bands following them wherever they go?
What happened afterwards: Still going strong.
Date checked: July/2014

Part 59: Margie Singleton & Leon Ashley – Ode To Billie Joe
Why I bought it: Guitar four hands (French: A quatre mains, German: Zu vier Händen, Vierhändig, Italian: a quattro mani) is a type of guitar duet in which the two players play on a single guitar.
Except, I can’t see his other hand …
Well, guitar three hands is a type of …
What happened afterwards: He died (source) and “she managed a successful solo career in the 1960s.” (source)
Date checked: August/2015

Part 60: Dough Ashdown – Leave Love Enough Alone
Why I bought it: Well, yes, but she does look kind of young … Certainly under drinking age or he kept the best for himself.
What happened afterwards: Still going strong. (source)
Date checked: August/2015

Part 61: Blow Fly – The Weird World Of
Why I bought it: I grew up with Marvel superheroes and let us admit, they are not realistic – that’s why they are super, of course. This one looks very different, even famished. You just can’t feed on rubber chicken and lavish your energy on the ladies going wild.
What happened afterwards: “but most of the album is really very funny, for those who like this sort of thing.” (source)
Date checked: August/2015

Part 62: Bowley and Wilson – The Wildest Show In Texas
Why I bought it: Wow, this must really be The Wildest Show In Texas! Look at the singer kicking higher than Bruce Lee, an orgasmic guitar player, a bassist doing limbo dance, etc, even robot knowing it’s showtime.
The angle of the shoot is just a little bit wide. We can see the front row of the audience. One person, exactly. And he is sleeping …
What happened afterwards: Still going strong.
Date checked: August/2015

Part 63: Cerrone – Supernature
Why I bought it: Mystery. The body on the table is skinned but very small, so the rest of them must be giants. Doctors are obviously animal while our singer (in black!) prepares to fart on the patient’s remains. Why?
What happened afterwards: Still going strong. (source)
Date checked: August/2015

Part 64: Octopus – Octopus
Why I bought it: So obvious: another heavy metal band trying to show their feminine side. Everything is so neat, so they must be Germans.
What happened afterwards: Just a mention on Wikipedia.
Date checked: August/2015

Part 65: Singing Rathbuns – Mountains Move At Your Command
Why I bought it: Mountains move at your command and bands form, too.
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: August/2015

Part 66: Red Sovine – I Didn’t Jump the Fence
Why I bought it: He really didn’t jump the fence, we’re witnesses. He is even clinging to the strongest branch on the tree to help him resist the temptation.
What happened afterwards: Wikipedia
Date checked: August/2015

Part 67: Wilson Brothers – We’ll Work Till Jesus Comes
Why I bought it: With the crisis in Europe and all the talk about pensions and retiring age, this record has a future.
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: August/2015

Part 68: Connie Cato – Super Connie Cato
Why I bought it: The enormous wig and the pink sleeping gown mean this is after waking up photo; she dreamt she was Dolly Parton.
What happened afterwards: “She stopped recording in the early 1980s.” (source)
Date checked: August/2015

Part 69: Ambassador’s – Because He Lives
Why I bought it: The man in the sky told them to go out in the fields and be his ambassadors. They dressed nicely, visited the hairdresser before leaving. They arrived and the man in the middle looks like he would rather be somewhere else. Why? The taller lady on his right has this “I’ve been through this before” look on her face, while the smaller lady is wearing this “theee-heee-heee” smug smile. Why?
If they’re ambassadors, we must be citizens of the foreign country. What they want to talk about? Do we have to take them to meet our president?
The record was published in 1973 and the previous owner hasn’t opened it. Will my curiosity prevail and I’ll break the seal?
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: August/2015

Part 70: Reverend and Mrs. M. A. Boudreaux – I’ve Found Something
Why I bought it: They found something. But what?
Let’s take a closer look. she found a new elaborate hairstyle, while he has found a kid! Congratulations.
PS. Great singing Ms. Boudreaux!
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: August/2015

Part 71: Connie Francis – Sings For Mama
Why I bought it: It’s not the cover or the message. It’s something more subliminal. Jim, Fay and Don are giving Connie Francis’ record to mother and they hope she’ll enjoy it. But the message is written on the antidepressant medication note.
What happened afterwards: Only Jim, Fay, Don and their mother know.
Date checked: August/2015

Part 72: Jim Keeling – Riding For Jesus
Why I bought it: Of all the things you can do for Jesus, why riding? One of the songs is called “Lord, don’t move that mountain” and is probably sung by the horse.
What happened afterwards: He rode onto CD too.
Date checked: December/2015

Part 74: BARON & crna ovca – Mi volimo da duvamo
Why I bought it: Baron and black sheep? Yugoslav disco from 1980s sounded irritating then and even more today. However, the cover? Man in red tights (communist Robin Hood?) is igniting woman’s …. With his finger – from far away? First example of virtual sex?
What happened afterwards: They even got on YouTube and they have many listeners. Success, finally?
Date checked: December/2016

Part 75: Boban I – Da sam tvoj …
Why I bought it: She’s obviously masturbating on the singer’s picture hanging upside down. Or maybe it’s an apparition. Why upside down? Is he a bat? Batman? The title says: If I would be yours … So, where would he be? Now obviously he is not hers, so they make love. If he would be hers, he would be somewhere away, while she would have to apply her helping hand. This cover really got me confused.
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: December/2016

Part 76: Del Delker – He Touched Me
Why I bought it: Ah, the smile! The title must be true.
What happened afterwards: Wikipedia knows.
Date checked: March/2017

Part 77: The Marlin Family – NOW
Why I bought it: This must be a very old family photo, before God created woman.
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: January/2018

Part 78: Marge Simpson – I’ll Go On Loving You
Why I bought it: My first thought: something happened to Homer? She will go on loving him – but who are the man and the child in the background?
What happened afterwards: Nobody knows.
Date checked: January/2018

Part 79: Bobby Atkins, Frank Poindexter And Tony Rice – 1968 Session
Why I bought it: Who’s the lady? Bass players are usually the most ignored members of the bands but this is the whole new level. And she has to carry her double bass alone because the bandmates didn’t notice her. Or was that a reason?
What happened afterwards: The cover says the bass was played by Harold.
If I got it right, they thought he was not photogenic enough and put a model in the photo instead of him.
I’ve heard the stories about bassmen being treated badly, but this is a whole new level.
Date checked: February/2022